Jean-Philippe Lachaux

Jean-Philippe Lachaux

Director of Research at INSERM

Jean-Philippe Lachaux is Director of Research INSERM, at Lyon Neuroscience Research Center.

He focuses his research on attention and concentration neuronal mechanisms with a special interest in questions we all ask ourselves daily: why are we easily distracted?

Is focusing based on effort? How is attention improving performance ?
Beside his neuroscience cognitive research work, he promotes attention skills as a value for society.

The ATOLE project is directly linked to his books on explaining Attention to the general public.

Discover INSERM’s website here.

Bibliography (in French): 

Le Cerveau Attentif. Contrôle, Maîtrise et Lâcher-Prise. Odile Jacob. / 2011

Le Cerveau Funambule. Comprendre et Apprivoiser son Attention grâce aux Neurosciences. Odile Jacob. / 2013

Les Petites Bulles de l’Attention. Se concentrer dans un monde de distractions (Bande dessinée). Odile Jacob. / 2016

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