22 Jul Amandine Roche
Amandine Roche
UN human rights expert
Amandine Roche is a Human Right Specialist with almost 20 years of experience in conflict contexts across Asia, Africa, Europe and South America. She has worked with the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping and European Commission. Her professional experience is focused on human rights, democratization, education, freedom of expression, and gender/youth empowerment. She holds a MD in International Relations and LM in Political Science (France), a MA in Human Rights and International Law (Spain). Amandine has participated in 20 democratic processes around the world. She also spent time in India learning the teachings of inner peace and non-violence from spiritual Masters such as HH Dalai Lama, Goenka and Amma.
She is also an author of three books, a yoga teacher and Search Inside Yourself Teacher specialist on mindfulness, emotional intelligence, compassion, meditation and conscious leadership. She is the founder of the Amanuddin Foundation in Kabul to develop the culture of peace and to promote wellness through yoga and meditation to prisoners, women, soldiers, and kids. She has created the Inner Peace Corps to implement the inner-peace keeping program in Middle East for humanitarian and refugees suffering of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, burnout, depression and anxiety.